
KARA's brings out more from “PANDORA” box

최종수정 2012.08.10 18:58 기사입력2012.08.10 18:58
글씨크게 글씨작게 인쇄하기
KARA's members Park Gyu-lee (left), Kang Ji-young (second to left), Han Seung-yeon (center), Nicole (second to right) and Gu Hara (right) are posing like beautiful goddesses, donned in navy and blue outfits, on the cover photo for their fifth mini-album "PANDORA," which will be released on Augst 22, 2012. [DSP Media]
KARA's members Park Gyu-lee (left), Kang Ji-young (second to left), Han Seung-yeon (center), Nicole (second to right) and Gu Hara (right) are posing like beautiful goddesses, donned in navy and blue outfits, on the cover photo for their fifth mini-album "PANDORA," which will be released on Augst 22, 2012. [DSP Media]

K-pop sensation KARA has unveiled its new cover photo to hint on the group’s upcoming album.

Creating a big buzz before bringing a new album to the music scene, the girls posted the cover image of their fifth mini-album “PANDORA,” which will be released on August 22, onto their official website Friday.

In the photo, the five members are posing like beautiful goddesses, donned in navy and blue outfits, bringing more mature look from what they have shown from previous albums.

Their agency DSP Media said in a press release Friday that the group will show off new charms that their fans have never seen before during the new album's activities.

KARA made their debut with the first full-length album "The First Bloooooming" in 2007 and expanded their singing career into Japan in 2010.

After putting their final touches on the new album, the “Lupin” singers will roll out "PANDORA" and hold a showcase at Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul on August 22.

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lee Tae-ho myenclaves@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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