
TVXQ! Excites Fans with Max Changmin's Teaser Photo

최종수정 2012.09.19 13:25 기사입력2012.09.19 13:25
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TVXQ!'s Max Changmin sports a bowl hair cut in his teaser photo for the duo's upcoming album "Catch Me" due out September 24, 2012. [SM Entertainment]
TVXQ!'s Max Changmin sports a bowl hair cut in his teaser photo for the duo's upcoming album "Catch Me" due out September 24, 2012. [SM Entertainment]

Further raising fans' anticipation for their return, TVXQ! has released a teaser photo of member Max Changmin.

With a stern look on his face and sporting a bowl hair cut for their new album due out September 24 online, Changmin's teaser for "Catch Me" was uploaded onto their official website Wednesday.

The officials hinted on the upcoming album that "Catch Me" is a trendy Dutch-electronic tune, which captures strong beats and melody of dubstep.

Just yesterday, SM Entertainment unveiled member U-Know Yunho's teaser for their new album, which will mark their return to the local music scene in over a year and a half after releasing their fifth album "Keep Your Head Down" in January 2011.

The singing duo have been busy with their four-month long tour in Japan and promoting their single "Android."

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10 아시아 Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
10 아시아 Editor : Monica Suk monicasuk@
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